Celebrating New Life: An Inspiring Guide to Baby Shower Invitation Letters

Letter of Invitation For Baby Showers

According to the UN, over 385,000 infants are born each day worldwide (140 million a year). A baby’s arrival in this world is a special moment for any parent. It is an occasion that most people want to share with their family, friends, and colleagues. Whether you’re the mom-to-be or the party host, you can make a letter of invitation to make the party more organized and special.

The invitation procedure is important in organizing a baby shower and making sure that your guest will come. To compose such an invitation, use a casual tone.

Here is an article for you to know more about how to write a letter of invitation letter for baby showers.

How to Send Your Baby Shower Invitations

If you’re still trying to figure out what to include in your invitation letter, whether it’s the traditional manner, printed and mailed or hand-delivered, or the modern way, sent out online, keep reading to find out what your choices are.

Paper Baby Shower Invitations

Paper baby shower invitations may add a personal touch to the event and demonstrate sincerity. Here are the options for paper baby shower invitations:

  • Pre-printed

It is the most common card that usually has various kinds of templates and designs that are available online. These cards are frequently generic, which works if you have a different theme, but you may discover one that suits it.

  • Handmade

Handmade invitations give a personal touch and allow you to express your creativity. Create your own card using card paper, markers, colored pencils, acrylic, or watercolor paints. This may be helpful if you have craft supplies like glitter, watercolor, pastel, markers, crayons, paint paper, kraft paper, etc. Handmade invitations are very charming and show more fun baby showers.

  • Custom-printed

This invitation is a customized printed letter. You can either design it yourself or get a graphic designer. It’s easier to use when you have a specific theme. There are internet tools that help you produce professional-looking invitations. Take the file to a professional printer for a great finish.

Electronic Baby Shower Invitations

Electronic invitations are fast and make tracking RSVPs simpler. They’re good for an informal baby shower among the mom-to-be’s closest friends. Here are some options for sending electronic baby shower invitations:

  • Greeting card or e-invite service

These sites allow you to design invitations from scratch or get professionally made designs; you can even add your own text. Many invitation services make it simple to monitor RSVPs since guests click a link to answer, and the site provides a list of attendees for you.

  • Email

It’s a good alternative to traditional mail if your visitors reside out of state or abroad or if you want them to receive the invite quickly. You may send an image invitation or type the information in the email.

  • Social media event

Guests may ask questions and organize more readily during a social media event. Invite guests, check RSVPs, and publish event updates with a social media event. To prevent misunderstandings, change the event to “private,” as not everyone uses social media.

What To Include In Your Invitation Letter

Baby shower invites are essential because they help the host and attendees communicate. On the invitation, offer as many details as possible. Here are the things that you need to include in your invitation letter:

  • Names

A baby shower honors the mother. Thus, her name is on the invitation by default. Modern baby showers often involve the father. If so, both parents’ names should be on the card.

  • Date

Once the attendees know whose event it is, tell them when it is. Under the name, put the baby shower date in a clear font.

  • Location

Make sure your location is properly mentioned. And, whether it’s at your place, hotel, or a friend’s house, remember to provide instructions afterward.

Virtual showers don’t require a place — only the internet! Include whether you’re using WebBabyShower or additional programs (like Zoom or Google Hangouts).

  • RSVP

Each invitation should include an RSVP card (and envelope). They should then inform the host whether they can attend.

  • Related Information

At the bottom of the invitation, provide any related or important information. If you have a co-ed shower, you may include it. Or if you want to have a dress code, then put it on your invitation letter.

When Should You Send Baby Shower Invitations

Baby showers are usually held later in pregnancy, usually four to six weeks before the due date, but always consult with the pregnant family beforehand.

It’s recommended to send invites four to six weeks before the shower so visitors can bookmark the date and out-of-town guests may make travel preparations. Choose the event date with the mommy-to-be to ensure that it works for her and does not interfere with her medical visits.

Sample And Template

Once you’ve settled on the type of invitation, you’ll need to figure out the baby shower invitation format. Here is a sample and template you can edit.


(Name of the recipient),

(Address of the recipient),


Dear friend,

Sub: Letter of Invitation for Baby Shower

A noble little prince/princess is on his/her merry way! Let’s gather to honor (mom-to-be’s name) ahead of the special day.

Join us for (name of the mom-to-be) baby shower on (date) from (start time) to (end time). Hosted by (host’s name).


(Insert type of refreshment, such as a small meal) will be supplied. Dress comfortably. (Include anything unique you want your visitors to do. Please, for example, add a bit of baby pink or baby blue to your attire.)

Please RSVP by (date) to (host’s contact information). If you have any particular dietary needs, please let me know when you RSVP.

(Add additional information related to the baby shower)

Letter of Invitation For Different Scenarios

Key Takeaways

  • A letter of invitation for baby showers is important for the event to be more organized.
  • You can send your invitation by paper or electronically.
  • Baby showers are often conducted later in pregnancy, four to six weeks before the expected delivery date.
  • You should discuss the event date with the expecting mother to ensure that it works for her and does not conflict with her medical appointments.